FIZIKA B, Vol. 6

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FIZIKA B Volume 6 - 1997.Masthead

Contents, FIZIKA B, Volume 6 (1997)

No 1.

Emile Grgin and Guido Sandri: The quantum oscillator in phase space. Part II
Vladimir Paar And Nenad Pavin: Missing preimages for chaotic logistic map with a hole
Dipak Ghosh, Rini Chattopadhyay, Anit Kumar Ghosh, Abdul Dayum Jafry, Madhumita Lahiri, Susobhan Das, Krishnadas Purkait, Biswanath Biswas, Jayanta Roychoudhury and Argha Deb: Study of multiplicity distribution in full phase space in ultra relativistic nuclear collision
D. P. Bhattacharyya, B. Basu, S. Saha, P. Pal and S. Biswas: Heavy fragments produced in relativistic 238U + 27Al interactions
Mijo Batinić, Ivica Dadić and Alfred Švarc: Cusp effect and the analytical continuation of the channel propagators in the two body multichannel Cutkosky formalism in two body model

No 2.

Matteo G. A. Paris: Canonical and non canonical quantum phase
Valeri V. Dvoeglazov: On the existence of additional solutions of the equations in the (1/2,0)Ĺ(0,1/2) representation space
Dipak Ghosh, Krishnadas Purkait and Ranjan Sengupta: Dynamical correlation among medium-energy protons in "hot'' and "cold'' events in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
Carl Wolf: Dissipative environmental effects and the quantum evolution of a spin system
Surath Kumar Biswas and V. P. Gautam: Study of leptonic and radiative b quark decays in the light of up-quark flavour changing contributions: multidoublet model

No 3.

Valeri V. Dvoeglazov: Significance of the spinorial basis in relativistic quantum mechanics
Andrea Raspini: Modified massless Dirac equation
Katarina Uzelac and Zvonko Glumac: First-order phase transition in 1d Potts model with long-range interactions
Dipak Ghosh, Sunil Kumar Das, Anit Kumar Ghosh and Argha Deb: Transverse momentum spectrum of ultra-relativistic Li projectile fragments (Z=3) in 60 a GeV/c oxygen-emulsion interaction
H. Routh, V. P. Gautam: Pole-dominance model and the two-gamma decay of b and d mesons
Dipak Ghosh, Rini Chattopadhyay, Anit Kumar Ghosh, Abdul Kayum Jafry, Madhumita Lahiri, Susobhan Das, Krishnadas Purkait, Biswanath Biswas, Jayanta Roychoudhury and Argha Deb: Study of multiplicity distribution in full phase space in ultrarelativistic nuclear collision. Erratum.

No 4.

Constantin Danciulescu: Fresnel and Fraunhofer holograms generated by computer using circular binary mask techniques
Cao Xuan Chuan: Exact solutions of a non-polynomial interaction
Krsto Prelec: Ions and ion accelerators for cancer treatment
Deba P. Bhattacharyya: Muons emitted from showers produced by Geminga-pulsar gamma rays
M. Nandy, S. C. Kar and V. P. Gautam: Temperature dependence of physical pseudoscalar meson ( h, h˘ and i ) masses along with the consistent mass matrix and the unitary matrix

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