FIZIKA B, Vol. 1

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FIZIKA B Volume 1 - 1992 Masthead

Contents, FIZIKA B, Volume 1 (1992)

No 1.

Ante Ljubičić and Nikola Zovko:
Lorentzian component of the fifth force
Nedžad Limić:
A new approach to the problem of transport in aquatic ecosystems
Vladimir Paar:
Chaotic and quasiperiodic solutions of robotic equation with one degree of freedom
Nikola Cindro, Emil Betak, Milorad Korolija and James J. Griffin:
A microscopic model for calculating the initial number of excitons in nucleus-nucleus collisions
Roman Čaplar:
Selected aspects of preequilibrium particle emission in nuclear reactions
Ksenofont Ilakovac:
Resonance effect in inner-shell nd ®1s two-photon decay
Dubravko Klabučar:
An overview of the interplay of weak and hadronic skyrmions
Ivica Picek:
Critical couplings and three generations in a random-dynamics inspired model
Dubravko Tadić:
Theoretical description of the hyperon nonleptonic decays

No 2.

Swati Panchanan, Nivedita Nag and Rajkumar Roychoudhury:
Algebraic approach to a relativistic scalar potential
Joseph Bevelacqua:
Quasielastic electron scattering in 4He between 328 and 725 MeV
Placido D'agostino, Albert D'arrigo, Giovanni Fazio, Giorgio Giardina, Antonio Italiano and Anna Taccone:
The Jp = 2+ and 0+, T = 0   8Be levels at about Ex =20 MeV
Zdenko Franić and Davorin Lovrić:
Tritiated water dosimetry
Anđelka Andraši:
Exponentiation for the Wilson loop in the light-cone gauge
Alexsander P. Trofimenko:
Short-time variations of the gravitational potential first derivative
Janez Strand:
On gravitational and non-gravitational acceleration

No 3.

Georgia C. Kostakis, Constantin G. Kostakis:
Second order approximation to the mean displacement of a particle coupled with a heat bath and driven by an external force
Carl Wolf:
A charged fluid sphere admitting spin generated torsion
Alexsander P. Trofimenko:
The registration of otonic graviimpulses
Sudipto Bhattacharya and Tryambak M. Karade:
On Bianchi-I cosmic strings
D. N. Poenaru and W. Greiner, R. Gherghescu and D. Mazilu:
Metastability of a-stable neutron-rich nuclei
Bimal Kumar Majumdar and Sikha Bhattacharyya:
Exchange energy for heavy quark potential
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